Have you ever been at work, walking down the street, or driving and think “Oh! I gotta tell so-and-so about __{insert something really cool}___!”
Well, I was teaching a class at Whole Foods back in February and I had one of those moments. It was towards the end of the class and I was doing my thing and casually mentioned a tip for the group. All of the women gave me the, “Are you serious? I never knew that…that is freaking awesome!” look. And, a couple of them talked to me after class about it, while a few more sent me emails.
During that class, I made a mental note to share it with you based on their responses. Annnnd…. I didn’t remember until I was teaching a different class last week.
The Tip: Ditch the K-Y Jelly.
And to that I will add Vagisil, Jock Itch cream, Desitin (for diaper rash), and Monistat. Just so we make sure all teenagers, women, babies, men, and more feel included in this. 🙂
So often we hear things like, “eat this,” “don’t eat that,” but we don’t think much about what we are putting ON or IN our bodies… especially down there.Â
But we need to. The precious skin and mucous membranes down there are found to be irritated by synthetic chemicals and much more easily absorbed into the body than the thin skin around your lips, nose, eyes, and of course the rest of your thicker skin (Ecologist article).
I’m not saying don’t use anything and suffer… I’m saying use the RIGHT lubes and creams that can easily be found in your kitchen AND for K-Y Jelly, this kitchen ointment is 2/3 cheaper.
Why ditch?
Well, while there are only 7 ingredients in K-Y jelly {water, glycerin, hydroxyethylcelluose, chlorhexidine gluconate, gluconolactone, methylparaben, sodium hydroxide }- of those ingredients, they…
- can cause skin dryness (exact opposite of what you want) and irritation
- are mildly toxic if ingested
- have been correlated with increased cancers (particularly reproductive organs like breast, ovaries, and prostate)
- contain hormone mimickers, disrupting the endocrine system (hormones, thyroid, adrenals, PMS, etc.)
- decrease fertility and sperm levels.
All that from a “trusted” slippery clear jelly generally recommended by gynocologists. Hmmm….
As for the other creams… just as bad if not worse.
So ,what’s a smoking hot woman like yourself (or the few studly men who read this) supposed to do instead?
Grab that jar of organic, pure, cold-pressed, unrefined Coconut Oil and lather up! {Insert Gasp! And “oh my goodness my life is changed forever.”} It makes for the best lube out there AND ointment for yeast infections, jock itch, athletes foot, skin irritation and more.
Coconut oil is…

- Antimicrobial
- Antioxidant
- Anti-fungal
- Antibacterial
- Soothing
- Source of the good saturated fats (yes you’ll absorb some of the fats down there)
- 2/3 cheaper than any of the ointments and lubes listed above
- And slippery. 🙂
All of these properties reduce yeast infections, UTIs, rashes, skin irritation, chapped lips, and more.
To use…
Coconut oil is solid at 76 degrees or below and turns to liquid above 76 degrees (aka body temperature).
- External Application: Take a small amount (1/2 to 1 tsp.) and apply to the desired area. For skin irritations and infections, it’s best to apply 2-3x/day. NOTE: Do NOT use with latex condoms, as it is oil based and can create small holes.
- Internal Consumption: Adding in coconut oil (1 tsp. to 2 T.) to your daily diet will not only help with all of the above issues but it will also improve your metabolism and fat burners, improve digestion, increase memory/brain function, and improve your own natural lubrication. Add a teaspoon or Tablespoon to your tea, smoothies, oatmeal, soups, dressings and more. OR just take it like a shot… like a champ. 😉
Ditch the chemicals, cancer, and concerns and smell like a fresh coconut island breeze.Â
If you’re not believing me… just try it. You don’t have anything to lose.
Big hugs, gratitude, and coconut oil.